May 2018

Is living abundantly while preserving the planet possible? When talk of living sustainably begins questions of having to give up convenience or comfort inevitably arise. We usually equate an abundant life with an abundance of money or possessions. Increased wealth doesn't necessarily bring happiness. Increased wealth will make a person happier if they start from a position of poverty. Poverty comes with many stressors as poor individuals have a hard time meeting their basic needs. So as wealth increases and they are able to have their basic needs met. Major stressors like like meeting next months rent are removed and happiness increases. However, this trend follows a curve rather than a continually increasing slope. Beyond a certain amount of wealth, happiness does not continue increasing. Concerns about the stock market, property destruction, or theft often keep wealthy people awake at night. As new levels of wealth are achieved and a person associates with others of a higher socioeconomic status, new standards of material possessions become expected. As an old adage goes, the more you have, the more you want.

An article by Sonja Lyubomirsky Professor of Psychology at the University of California points out several other research based reasons for increased stress that often accompany wealth. She notes that as income goes up, its positive effects may be partially offset by negative effects such as increased pressures on your time, increased responsibility, and especially a depreciated ability to enjoy simple everyday pleasures. These results are not necessarily true for every person but tend to be true for many people.1

King Solomon understood this when he asked for wisdom rather than wealth, health, or power. Truly abundant life doesn’t consist of possessions but positive relationships. A right relationship with God brings more joy than abundant wealth (Ps. 4:7). Loving relationships with fellow believers bring an abundant life (1 Pet. 4:8). Jesus offered an abundant life to those who would follow him, and it is better than any amount of comfort, convenience, money, or power. When we have the life Jesus offers we will be able to have abundant joy and happiness whether we are poor or rich in earthly possessions. It enables us to willing forego earthly comforts for the sake of God, our fellow man, and the preservation of Creation. The abundance Jesus offers is innately ‘green’ and Creation friendly because it is completely immaterial. No amount of money can buy what Jesus offers. Only by asking can we receive the abundant life Jesus offers. When was the last time you asked him give you his abundant life? Why not ask him right now?

Written by David F. Garner

1 Sonja Lyubomirsky. Does Money Really Buy Happiness? (Sept. 29, 2014)


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