April 2018

Throw open the curtains and windows- it’s spring! Let in the fresh air and light. Spring is probably the most beautiful time in nature. It’s a yearly promise of the restoration of all things for which we hope (Rev. 21:1). It’s a time of rebirth, new beginnings, and cleaning. 

Take this opportunity to begin new habits in your own life. Over the coming spring and summer, strive to get outside for at least 5 minutes a day. Walking from your house to the car doesn’t count. Go out somewhere you can see the trees or a nice lawn and landscape and just stand and take in the beauty God placed in nature for you. 

After your time outside, tackle that dreaded spring cleaning. Here are several tips to make your cleaning and your home more nature friendly. Avoid harsh cleaners with antibacterials, phthalates, and parabens which create super bugs, disrupt hormones, and cause cancer. Use soap and water in a spray bottle for cleaning and baking soda for scrubbing. To find safer cleaners see the Environmental Working Group’s Guide To Healthy Cleaning free online.  

Swap disposable cleaning aids for reusable. Try a mop with washable microfiber towels instead of one with disposable pads. Use washable rags for normal cleaning. Try making them from old towels or clothes. It’ll save money! 

Try to repair items before discarding. Often electronics and home appliances can be repaired. At least call a repair shop to get a quote before assuming its always cheaper to buy a new one.  

Reduce what you use. Conserve water when cleaning. Try a spray bottle instead of running the facet. Donate unwanted stuff. If you don’t use it every six months you probably don’t need it. Use this rule when buying new items also. Reuse where possible. Use boxes and containers you have to reorganize rather than buying new bins. 

Don’t give away toys the kids haven’t played with recently. Put them in storage for several months, then when you get them out again your kids will want them. This cycle makes toys fun again. Search online for ideas on how to reuse other items around the house before discarding. Recycle everything you can. Paper, plastic, glass, and metal can be sent to your local recycling center. Before throwing away other materials see if you can find someone who could use it for crafts, art, or other purposes. One person’s trash is another’s treasure. 


By David F. Garner


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