May 2017

" is clear from accumulated evidence that the increasing emission of destructive gasses, the massive destruction of the American rain forest, and the depletion of the protective mantel of ozone... are all threatening the earth's eco-system."1 This quote sounds like that of a leading environmental organization. In fact, it is from the official statement by the Seventh-day Adventist Church on environmental stewardship.

The statement points out that nature is a gift from God and that we are to be faithful managers. How faithful have humans been? "men and women have been increasingly involved in irresponsible destruction of the earth's resources, resulting in wide spread suffering, environmental degradation, and threat of climate change... human selfishness and greed... result in ever-increasing production, unlimited consumption, and depletion of nonrenewable resources."1 Many have been unconscious participants. When we become conscious of our influence, we can receive forgiveness and change.

You may be surprised as I was to find that the modern environmental movement which began in the mid-19th century has had Christian leaders from the beginning. Names include: George Perkins Marsh, Octavia Hill, Charles Spurgen, Theodore Roosevelt, and C. S. Lewis.

So what can you do to follow their example? As the statement says, "A reformation of lifestyle is called for, based on respect for nature, restrain in the use of the world's resources, reevaluations of one's needs, and reaffirmation of the dignity of created life."1 A lifestyle change begins with little steps. Here are five to begin with this summer:

1. Keep the thermostat between 70-75° and run fans.

2. Eat less meat or go vegetarian. It’s healthy and green!

3. Use less hot water.

4. Open the blinds and keep the lights off.

5. Carry a water bottle instead of buying bottled water.


By David F. Garner



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