February 2017

In Genesis 1:28 God gives Adam and Eve dominion over all the earth. They did not receive a license for exploitation. Rather they received a gift that came with responsibility. God provided a beautiful garden home and wonderful animal companions. They were tasked with care and maintenance of all they had received. That task included creating a planet where future decedents could live and enjoy God’s marvelous gifts.

At the fall, Adam and Eve lost their beautiful garden home. All the planet was then tarnished and cursed. Creation was no longer in subjection to humans. Yet, the responsibility to care for Creation was not removed. The task to preserve Eden and all creation beyond it still rests on each of us. We are to care for God’s Creation because we are its stewards. We inherited the responsibility to preserve it for future descendants to enjoy.

Creation stewardship is more than a matter of morality. It is tied implicitly to Jesus’ command to help the poor. The industrial revolution provided much for humanity. It also provided the ability to pollute on an unprecedented scale. Pollution affects the poorest people most because they have the fewest resources to combat it. Pollution also makes it difficult for to follow the 8 laws of health put forth by Ellen G. White.

What can Christians do to fulfill the charge of caring for Creation? How can you make a difference? Is pollution actually that big of a problem? This newsletter is intended to provide a Bible based perspective on environmental preservation. It will seek to answer these questions and more. It will offer information as well as practical tips so look for it monthly.


By David F. Garner


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